How to Encounter God

The prescribed way to do go deeper in love, we say here at IHOP is to find all the verses and places of the emotions of God’s heart and make them a dialogue between you and the Lord. For example John 15:9 Jesus says I have loved you as the Father loves me,’ so you pray, Father thank you that you love me this way, reveal it to me in a greater way. And through the Holy Spirit within He will.

Start in John 14-17 or through the Song of Solomon more info here. Those are good places to get a hold of the love of Jesus. Again, even if you’ve heard this all before, I’m inviting you to sign back up and really do it, make it a reality in your life each day.

Mental understanding of God’s love does not change you. Scriptures are like a menu. You can memorize it, but if you don’t order and eat the food, you will still be hungry for God. The bible is our conversation material for our deep prayer life with God!! That was the intent, if we only understand it in our head, but don’t have a relationship with God by it, we fall short of what was intended

Adding a little fasting to your prayer here and there to speed up the embrace of God as an experience. You truly will feel the love of God manifest through His presence, His affections.

Sometimes we are blown away by revelation and experience and sometimes it does take time, but then it’s like climbing a mountain. It takes endurance, but it pays off at the end.

Mike Bickle says it’s like taking the cold hamburger of your heart and putting it before the Holy flame of the Spirit, it takes long and loving meditation and dialogue to melt it. But this is true and deep relationship and is the main thing we are called to.

One verse can be an escalator to the throne of heaven. Take it and sing it to Him, talk about it, asking for revelation, journaling ideas and thoughts, but also gazing on the throne that we boldly have access to (Heb 4:16). Focus also on the Holy Spirit within. If it’s applicable pray it, or make resolutions to obey it. Christianity is not just bible study, applying principals to our lives, but it is taking the word to the Living Word a relationship with Jesus.

It will cause you to fall deeper in love with Him, and that is the greatest thing we could ever do.

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