Posts Tagged ‘Mike Bickle’

Addressing the Rising Concern of Narcissism in the Church Community

Addressing the Rising Concern of Narcissism in the Church Community

Introduction: In recent years, a significant issue has emerged within various church communities: the prevalence of narcissistic behavior. My aim is to foster awareness and encourage a path towards healing and positive change. Studies have proven there’s a National Narcissistic epidemic, from both men and women alike and the online sphere is in part to blame, but spiritual language and practice have also given cover to the exploitation of codependency and trusting individuals.

Understanding Narcissism: Narcissism is characterized by self-centered manipulative tactics to cultivate codependents and codependent friendships, and a lack of empathy for the serious damage their actions have on their victims. In a church setting, this can manifest as individuals or leaders who prioritize their own interests, seek excessive attention, and disregard the needs of the congregation. Just because church exists for the Lord, cannot mean the church doesn’t exist for the people.

The Impact on Church Life: The presence of narcissistic tendencies within the church can lead to numerous issues, including damaged relationships, diminished trust, and a shift away from the core values of compassion and community. It can also result in the exploitation of power dynamics, where those in leadership positions may misuse their influence.

Identifying Narcissistic Traits: Recognizing narcissistic behavior is crucial for addressing the issue. Key indicators include a focus on personal achievements, a tendency to manipulate or belittle others, and a resistance to accountability or criticism.

Steps Towards Healing:

  1. Awareness and Education: Educating church members and leaders about narcissism is vital. This includes understanding its signs and the importance of empathy and humility in leadership. Red flag pamphlets should be everywhere, and counseling much more accessible.
  2. Fostering Accountability: Establishing systems of accountability within church structures can help mitigate the effects of narcissistic behavior.
  3. Encouraging Open Dialogue: Creating a safe space for open communication allows members to express concerns and share experiences.
  4. Professional Support: Engaging with mental health professionals can provide guidance for those displaying narcissistic traits and those affected by them.
  5. Emphasizing Compassionate Leadership: Encouraging leaders to model empathy, self-awareness, and a servant-hearted approach can transform the church culture.

The issue of narcissism in the church is a complex challenge that requires a multifaceted response. Through awareness, education, accountability, and a commitment to compassionate leadership, churches can address this concern effectively. The goal is not to condemn but to foster an environment of growth, healing, and genuine community spirit, aligning with the foundational values of the church.

A Complex Tension

Prophetic Gifts and Moral Failure

Intriguingly, some vocal critics of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) have recently acknowledged the undeniably supernatural foundations of the movement. The detailed prophetic accuracy displayed by founding figures like Bob Jones and Paul Cain seemingly defies natural explanation. Their precise knowledge of individuals’ lives and future events persuaded even skeptics of otherworldly insight. Yet juxtaposed shockingly against such uncanny prophetic capacity is the apparent capacity for grievous moral failings. How could the same vessels channeling divine revelations also engage despicable sin? This paradox leaves many bewildered and disoriented.

Paul Cain’s Intriguing Journey: Paul Cain’s journey is particularly noteworthy. His role as a spiritual advisor to President Bill Clinton during his first term, and his alleged involvement with the CIA’s Operation Star Gate due to his prophetic gifts, are both fascinating and perplexing. These roles suggest a recognition of his spiritual insights in spheres beyond traditional church boundaries.

The Dual Nature of Spiritual Leaders: This duality reflects a broader theme in spiritual leadership: the coexistence of divine gifting and human weakness. The phrase “new levels, new devils” encapsulates this idea. As individuals ascend to higher levels of influence and spiritual insight, they often encounter new temptations and challenges. The very traits that make them effective in their divine calling can also make them susceptible to manipulation and moral failings.

The Challenge of Discernment and Accountability: The church community faces the critical task of discerning genuine spiritual gifts while remaining vigilant against the pitfalls of narcissism and manipulation. It is essential to recognize that possessing extraordinary spiritual gifts does not exempt one from moral and ethical standards. Leaders must be held accountable, and their actions scrutinized, to prevent the misuse of their influence.

Embracing Humility and Integrity: In response to these complexities, church leaders and members alike must emphasize humility and integrity. Acknowledging human limitations, even in the context of divine gifting, is crucial. Leaders should strive to balance their spiritual insights with a commitment to ethical conduct and the well-being of their communities.

IHOP Takes Action Against Reported Spiritual Predator (Video Here)

IHOPKC has faced recent criticism over its handling of alleged emotional and sexual misconduct. However, investigation reveals that upon receiving member complaints, IHOPKC leadership did succeed in removing one accused spiritual predator from all official positions. While justice remains in progress at the date of her post, and victims still bear scars, the insider emphasizes it important recognizing IHOPKC’s efforts to validate complaints and intervene in the accused’s role. This is not a local thing but unfortunately an epidemic spanning decades in the body of Christ worldwide. 20 years ago, 10 years ago it was normal to hear, “I don’t want a man to pursue me unless God told him to do so.” Leaving a lot of men in a passive state toward the woman they saw a future with and a lot of women in the situations Courtney describes and leaving the only individuals taking action, being the ones with disorders.

Recognition of Red Flags Yes, that story was filled with red flags. The most disturbing one, he won her heart via manipulation and future faking and then used prophetic promises he got her to buy into; to prey on her, making her feel like she was disobeying God by standing against him as he pushed the limits of her submission and tested his coercive control.

Hope for Reform or Closure I have to believe these are the kinds of things new leadership will address and not in the temporary fix until we forget kind of way. I’m hoping for a reform. They’ve started linking to resources on their website and making more material available. There really needs to be a lot of counseling, prophetic oversight, and understanding, which has been lacking before. There’s a huge need for trauma awareness, recognition of manipulators and narcissists, and a culture of mental health awareness.

Shift in Attitude Towards Mental Health We need to be far from opposing the attitude that ‘God can use counselors.’ If there’s even the slightest bit of trauma, Christian counseling should be available, especially in a broken community. Many people come there after traumatic experiences, often without full parental support, or with a lot of confusion and relational brokenness. The statistics and studies show a significant number of people coming from abusive backgrounds.

Awareness of Narcissistic and Predatory Behavior There’s so much awareness needed around narcissistic and manipulative behavior that needs to be shut down. It’s not necessarily about being a sexual predator, but more about being a relational predator, someone with the intent to manipulate people and situations for their own benefit. In her story, it felt like he was trying to win her heart and affection for complete submission, ingraining himself into her entire social circle, and eventually preying on them.

Praise for Standing Up to Manipulation Calling out what he did was so bold. After the smear campaign which was part of the narcissistic discard and he came back, doing what’s called ‘hoovering’, Courtney’s standing up to him was commendable. She showed that she was not the malleable, codependent prey that he was cultivating and scared him off.

Concerning Statements and Potential Legal Implications

In Mike Bickle’s recent public statement, he included the concerning phrase “not admitting” to additional abuse allegations beyond the confirmed inappropriate behavior. I wish it was a point blank denial, it feels like an oversight at best. Especially as former IHOPKC leader Dean Briggs has now stated clearly on his YouTube channel that he personally knows of two other women who experienced emotional entanglements and false promises of future relationships from Bickle.

Using one’s ministerial position and the counseling context to foster inappropriate emotional intimacy remains deeply morally and ethically bankrupt. And in Missouri, there is legal precedent for prosecuting such abuse under certain conditions if proven true.

While legal experts could explore the details much deeper, the main point remains that deception and abuse of power bear grave moral weight with significant legal implications. Even if specific charges prove difficult to prosecute, this shaking calls all leaders everywhere to utmost integrity. The closer we walk with God, the less opportunity for corruption thrives.

When you think of a narcissist, you probably envision a self-obsessed, flamboyant individual who dominates every conversation, could be that’s just an ego-centric talker, the world has hijacked the word. Even worse, the more common covert narcissism is a quieter, more subtle subtype of narcissist where someone uses guilt trips and shame and mutual friends to control others yet lacks empathy for the feelings of those close to them. There’s all kinds but the word we usually mean is egocentrist, unless we are talking about a manipulator.

For Emotional Predation Awareness:

Embracing Grief, Truth, and Justice

IHOPKC’s Break with Mike Bickle and Leadership Changes

In a significant development, IHOPKC has severed ties with its founder, Mike Bickle, due to “inappropriate behavior” and “misconduct,” including allegations of clergy abuse. This decision has been compounded by the resignation of IHOPKC’s Executive Director, Stuart Greaves.

Grieving the Loss: Impact on Staff and Leaders

Those who devoted years to the ministry are now grappling with the realization that the spiritual community and mission they dedicated themselves to were potentially marred by abuse and coverups. This revelation is deeply distressing, and it’s important to acknowledge and share in the pain felt by those affected. I write this to offer what little I have that it may help the struggling and counter the cynical voices.

Encouragement to Share Stories and Pursue Truth

In light of these events, it is crucial to encourage anyone with knowledge of inappropriate leadership behaviors within IHOPKC to come forward. Sharing their experiences with investigative reporter Julie Roys can be an important step in preventing further abuse and ensuring accountability. It’s essential to prioritize believing victims and not allow fear or misplaced loyalty to obscure the truth.

Solidarity with Survivors: Affirmation of Love and Bravery

In the midst of the turmoil surrounding IHOPKC, my most heartfelt prayers are with the survivors who are at the very heart of this pain. For any survivors reading this, please know that you are deeply loved and valued. Your courage in speaking your truth is a powerful testament to the triumph of truth over fear. You are deserving of justice, and your bravery is recognized and honored.

My heart aches for the suffering you have endured. It’s my heart’s hope that the future commitment is to build stronger systems of accountability and take proactive steps to prevent further abuse and you will never be forgotten in this process. I have to trust the leadership is committed to acknowledging and learning from these failures and the movement is dedicated to creating safer spiritual environments and ensuring that such harm does not recur.

Responsibility and Accountability of Leaders

This highlights the greater level of responsibility and accountability assigned to those in spiritual authority. As James 3:1 warns, “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”

And Peter exhorts leaders to be “examples to the flock” not domineering over them (1 Pet 5:2-3). The higher the platform, the greater the potential impact of sin – whether abuse of power, financial misdeeds, sexual misconduct or deception. Therefore, God holds leaders to a higher standard, as to whom much is given, much also is required.

This painful shaking leaves many serious questions for the charismatic church to grapple with. How did things progress so far without intervention? What bred an environment where multiple complaints were potentially suppressed? Did that even happen? Are accountability structures adequate within ministries granted high public trust?

Oversight is Never Not Wisdom

This scandal reinforces that no ministry rests exempt from corruption apart from rigorous self-examination and oversight. The purifying fire falls, testing the work of all with holy severity. May it produce new governance emerging with integrity, transparency and the courage to speak truth even amidst success. Our witness depends on it. And our Lord deserves nothing less.

The Unchanging Truth of Christ’s Call

Despite the challenges and pains, the eternal truths that have been glimpsed through our faith and the resonant call of Christ on our lives remain unshaken. By the grace of God, we continue to worship Jesus in all circumstances. We look forward to the day when we will stand united before Him in a realm where there is no sin, sorrow, tears, or pain. Until that day, we stand in solidarity with you, supporting and upholding you.

Apology and Pledge for the Future

On behalf of this movement as someone formerly associated, I extend a sincere apology for the extensive harm caused by neglecting to listen to your voices and failing to protect the vulnerable. I pray they will pledge to prioritize people over power, to listen more attentively, and to act more compassionately and quickly. May God’s peace and comfort envelop you, and may His justice flow abundantly in response to your courageous choices. Know that you have allies and friends within this community who are committed to reform and who hear you, love you, and stand steadfastly with you.

Chaos Within Leadership and Allegations Beyond Bickle

These actions mark a critical turning point for the ministry and reflect the gravity of the situation. Following the announcement, reports of chaos and panic within the IHOPKC leadership have emerged, notably from Stephen Magnuson, Bickle’s former chief of staff at a side ministry called Friends of the Bridegroom. As Mike stepped down from IHOPKC 3 years ago, FOTB has been Mike’s main ministry. Magnuson’s claim that he had forewarned Bickle of potential further revelations adds complexity to the unfolding narrative. His description of the situation at IHOPKC as “blowing up” paints a picture of a deeply troubled organization grappling with its future.

Magnuson’s Accusation and the Need for Due Process

Magnuson’s serious allegation that misconduct at IHOPKC extends beyond Mike Bickle raises significant concerns. His metaphor of amputating a leg to save the body, implying that more comprehensive scrutiny is required, suggests a deeper systemic issue. However, such claims also highlight the necessity of due process. It is vital to avoid hasty or reactionary accusations that could unjustly harm the reputations and lives of many who have been associated with IHOPKC over the years.

Awaiting Evidence and Considering the Community’s Future

While it is possible that further revelations may come to light, it is essential to wait for concrete evidence before passing judgment on the entire IHOPKC community. The organization, built around worship, prayer, and passionate service, has been a part of many families’ lives for decades. These individuals, who have served innocently and devotedly, should not bear the brunt of blame without verified facts. There may still be an opportunity for reform and renewal, allowing the redeemed aspects of IHOPKC to continue under new, more accountable leadership.

Navigating the Complexity of Benefit and Betrayal

Processing the pain of this situation involves recognizing the complex feelings of benefiting from Mike Bickle’s teachings while simultaneously condemning his concealed wrongdoings. It’s important to remember that the faith of the community was placed in God, not in any individual. Even as God’s Word was effectively preached and His Spirit moved in people’s lives, this does not excuse the sin and the dire need for justice and rectification.

The Imperative of Accountability Amidst Human Imperfection

While acknowledging human imperfection, it is vital to hold those who commit deception and abuse of power accountable. The unfolding revelations within the charismatic church are likely to continue, bringing more difficult truths to light. However, amidst these challenges, it is clear that God is actively working to purify and guide His church towards greater integrity, humility, and closeness with Him.

Allegations Against Mike Bickle: A Community in Shock

However, the serious allegations that Bickle abused his spiritual authority and engaged in sexually inappropriate conduct with interns 20 years ago have cast a shadow over his and IHOP’s legacy. These claims, demanding serious attention, have stirred a wave of uncertainty and introspection within the faith community.

The Importance of Listening and Patience in Times of Crisis

As we address this upheaval, it’s essential to prioritize listening over speaking, striving to understand the experiences and feelings of those affected before attempting to offer guidance or correction. Patience and empathy are crucial as the community navigates this challenging time. Our response should be characterized by a deep care for one another, recognizing the complexity and sensitivity of the situation, and fostering an environment where healing and growth can occur.

The Theological Dilemma: Navigating Doctrine and Leadership Failure

The situation poses a complex dilemma: How should faithful Christians respond to IHOP’s doctrines in light of these allegations? Some critics argue that Bickle’s alleged misconduct invalidates two decades of teachings from IHOP. This response, though understandable, prompts a crucial question: Can we separate the potentially flawed leadership from the theological contributions of IHOP? This question underscores the challenge of discerning the value of theological teachings when the moral integrity of their proponents is questioned.

Victim Care and Upholding Justice in the Church

First and foremost, the Christian response must prioritize care for victims and the pursuit of justice within the church. Sexual coercion and abuse, especially by spiritual leaders, are abhorrent and demand zero tolerance. Christian leaders, in particular, must exemplify the highest moral standards. If the current allegations against Bickle are fully substantiated, this would significantly tarnish his credibility and moral authority, necessitating a strong and calculated response from the Christian community.

Rethinking Mike’s Teachings: A Balanced Approach

In responding to these allegations, it’s crucial not to hastily discard all teachings and experiences associated with IHOP. Many believers have experienced profound spiritual growth through IHOP’s ministries, including encounters in prayer rooms, transformative insights from Mike Bickle’s and associates teachings, and life changing events in IHOPKC conferences. I think dismissing these positive experiences entirely could be an overreaction. The challenge lies in discerning how to responsibly handle Bickle’s legacy, separating beneficial teachings from the controversy surrounding his personal conduct.

Discernment in Doctrine: Separating Good from Evil

Navigating this situation requires a balanced approach, avoiding extreme reactions that categorize everything as wholly good or evil. The Christian community must thoughtfully engage in discerning what aspects of IHOP’s teachings align with Biblical truth, separating them from the potentially flawed personal opinions of its leaders. This period of scrutiny could lead to a deeper understanding of doctrine and a more robust engagement with Scripture.

Mike Bickle’s Role as a Scribe and Teacher Mike Bickle was a scribe who diligently stewarded the revelations given to him by God. His teachings consistently pointed back to the scriptures, encouraging followers to seek the same revelations through the Holy Spirit. Bickle is seen not as a foundational piece but as an advocate for scriptural truths and diverse biblical emphases. His advocacy for prayer and holiness in a culture focused on action is highlighted. Bickle’s role in interpreting and documenting the prophetic words in Kansas City is noted, providing context and explanation for the spiritual messages received. His work in documenting these teachings is recognized as significant, though it is acknowledged that a solid biblical understanding does not necessarily require a history of prophecy. The importance of discerning between teachings directly from God and those that are extra-biblical is underscored. The continued relevance of the prayer movement, independent of any individual leader, is affirmed.
Discerning Between Biblical and Extra-Biblical Teachings It’s important to discern between teachings that are truly biblical and those that are extra-biblical, especially teachings that come from Mike but not directly from God. If you have been holding onto teachings from Mike that are not based in scripture, it would have been wise to let them go a long time ago. The prayer movement, as mentioned, existed before Mike Bickle’s time and will continue after, demonstrating its strong biblical foundation. Night and Day prayer is a biblical concept and will persist regardless of individual leaders. Viewing the situation any differently is considered an overreaction and a disservice.

Refining the Prayer Movement: A Call for Accountability and Safeguards

This challenging period could serve as a catalyst for refining and purifying the prayer movement. IHOP, in response to the situation, should seek greater accountability from outside Christian leaders and establish stronger organizational safeguards. Such steps could ensure that the movement evolves in a healthier and more sustainable direction, grounded in a commitment to doctrinal integrity and ethical leadership.

Facing Future Complexities with a Christ-Centered Focus

As the Christian community moves forward, it will undoubtedly encounter unforeseen complexities. The lesson learned and reaffirmed is throughout this journey, the focus must remain steadfastly on Jesus Christ, rather than on any human leader. Christian doctrine should be anchored in the eternal truths of Christ, revealed through the Holy Spirit in Scripture, rather than being swayed by the influence of any single ministry or personality.

Emerging Stronger: A Prayer Movement Guided by Grace and Wisdom

In navigating these tumultuous times, the prayer movement is called to respond with grace, humility, wisdom, and discernment. This approach, rooted in a deep commitment to Biblical truth and compassionate care, holds the potential for the prayer movement to emerge from this crisis stronger and more resilient than ever before built on a holiness foundation with accountability and new standards that are boomer-proof so to speak. I just speak of the patriarchal culture that is constantly being exposed these days in the church and beyond.

Ministry Reputation vs. Care for the Abused: A Troubling Priority

I overheard a few coffee shop convos that deeply saddened me. A concerning aspect of the scandal is the apparent prioritization of the ministry’s reputation over the care and support of the abused. Statements from key leaders, emphasizing the importance of “keeping the fire burning on the altar” – a metaphor for sustained prayer and worship – are just too much for me right now, personally. This focus, can appear insensitive and dismissive when it overshadows the urgent need to address the harm caused by abuse of power. Such an approach suggests a preference for preserving the institution’s image over addressing the needs and wounds of people.

The Disturbing Indifference to Devastation and Coverups

It is alarming to witness the number of Christians who seem more concerned with maintaining or reviving their spiritual vision than acknowledging the profound damage caused by alleged decades-long coverups of misconduct. Prioritizing acknowledgment of the wrongs done, grieving, providing care and counsel, ensuring justice, and taking preventive measures must precede any other concerns. The well-being of individuals should always be paramount.

Victim-Centered Approach: Supporting the Journey to Healing

In standing with victims like Jane Doe, the primary focus must be their healing and restoration. This starts with actively listening to their stories, openly lamenting the harm inflicted, and aiding them in the journey towards rebuilding trust and finding wholeness. Reconciliation or restoration of the ministry should only be considered after the needs of those directly affected have been responsibly addressed and met.

Revisiting Spiritual Ideals: Accountability and Moral Integrity

While it is natural to grieve the loss of spiritual ideals and aspirations, a ministry found to be willfully negligent in addressing abuse loses its moral standing and acknowledgement preceeds rebuilding. Leaders who prioritize the ministry’s reputation over the well-being of victims need to be held accountable for their possible complicity in the wrongdoing. True revival in a religious context should ideally foster humility and compassion, reflecting the nature of Christ, rather than focusing solely on institutional promotion and protection.

Embracing Grief, Truth, and Justice: A Stance of Solidarity

Our response to this crisis must be marked by solidarity with the victims, taking more time to fully hear and understand their experiences, and allowing space for the truth to emerge and letting that transcend business as usual and ‘clapping back’ at those we disagree with, unless done pastorally. We must avoid defensive postures or the rush to restore the ministry’s former status. Recognizing that God remains sovereign even in the midst of turmoil, it is imperative to align our response with God’s heart for justice and care for the abused. In this time, we wait, we lament, and we hold onto hope, prioritizing the needs and healing of those who have suffered.

The Ripple Effect of Scandal in Christian Communities

Scandals such as this have profound effects on Christian communities, creating waves of disillusionment and doubt. These revelations have left many IHOPKC members and supporters of Mike Bickle grappling with intense feelings of anguish, confusion, and a crisis of faith. The impact extends far beyond the primary incidents, touching the lives of those who have invested their trust and belief in this ministry and its offshoots.

Institutional Betrayal and Its Impact on Believers

The concept of institutional betrayal comes into sharp focus in these situations. Followers, who in essence are innocent, find themselves in a state of turmoil as their faith in the organization is severely undermined. The revelation that an entity they relied on could have been fundamentally flawed or deceptive turns their world upside down. For those who have devoted years of service, this crisis raises painful questions about the validity and value of their sacrifices.

The decision to tremble before the holiness of God in these times is a testament to the seriousness with which these matters should be approached. It reflects an understanding that such situations are not merely organizational or administrative issues but touch upon deeper spiritual and moral dimensions. The resignation and severing of ties, in this case, aren’t just organizational shifts; they are indicative of a larger, more profound process of accountability and reevaluation within the spiritual community.

Weep With Those Who Weep

This is not a time for rejoicing but rather for mourning and weeping for the victims involved. It’s essential to acknowledge the pain, the hurt, and the disillusionment that such incidents can cause among believers and non-believers alike. The impact on individuals who have looked up to leaders for guidance, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment cannot be overstated. The revelation of failures or missteps by such figures can shake the foundations of faith for many, leading to a sense of betrayal and loss.

Moreover, this situation brings to light the dual aspects of God’s nature – His kindness and His severity. On the one hand, God’s kindness is evident in His patience and long-suffering, His willingness to give individuals and institutions time to repent and to turn back to the right path. On the other hand, His severity is manifest in the righteous judgments that inevitably come when there is a persistent deviation from His ways. This duality is a crucial aspect of understanding the divine character and how it operates in the world and within the structures of faith communities.

Judgment Begins With The House of God

The concept that judgment begins with the house of God is a sobering reminder that accountability and integrity are paramount in the spiritual life. It underscores the idea that those who take on the mantle of leadership and spiritual guidance are held to a higher standard. They are stewards not just of organizational responsibilities but of spiritual truths and the well-being of their followers.

In light of these events, the response for the broader community of faith is multifaceted. It involves a deep introspection about the nature of spiritual authority and accountability. It demands a renewed commitment to upholding the standards of righteousness, integrity, and transparency that are expected of those in positions of spiritual leadership. It also calls for a compassionate and empathetic approach towards those who have been hurt or disillusioned by these developments.

Ultimately, this moment serves as a poignant reminder of the need for humility, vigilance, and a continuous return to the core values and teachings that underpin faith. It is a time for collective reflection, prayer, and a reaffirmation of the commitment to live out one’s faith with integrity and in alignment with the principles of justice, mercy, and humility that are central to the Christian tradition. This is a time for the faith community to come together, to support those who are hurting, and to work towards healing and restoration, always keeping in mind the complex and multifaceted nature of God’s character and His expectations for His people.

Navigating Personal Turmoil: Compassion for the Unwitting Victims

The secondary victims of such scandals experience an involuntary deconstruction of their lives, beliefs, and identities. They face a storm of emotions – shock, anger, remorse, grief – and the process of coming to terms with these feelings is neither linear nor brief. It is imperative that we provide them with the space and support they need to work through these stages of acceptance, always fostering an environment of hope and understanding.

Finding Unchanging Truth in the Midst of Earthly Scandals

In the midst of such turmoil, it is crucial to remember that while human institutions and leaders may fail, the sovereign nature of God remains constant. His presence with the brokenhearted is a steadfast truth. The gospel’s purity endures, irrespective of the flaws of its earthly messengers. For many, the blessings and positive experiences they’ve had within these communities serve as a testament to a truth that transcends human failings.

Deeper Study and Faith Rebuilding: A Crisis as a Catalyst

For some, this crisis may serve as a catalyst for a more profound exploration of their faith, leading to deeper study, stronger relationships, and a more personal ownership of a faith founded on Christ alone. This period of lamentation and questioning can also be an opportunity for rebuilding, based on a balanced and healthy response. It’s a time to re-evaluate and re-affirm one’s faith foundations, independent of any human leader.

The Complexity of Assessing a Fallen Leader

An interesting complexity arises when even some of Mike Bickle’s most vocal critics acknowledge areas of his fruitful contribution. Despite present allegations, certain teachings and campaigns led by Bickle over the years have helped many believers pursue holiness when other ministries lowered standards in society.

For example, Bickle’s personal testimony and sermon series like “War Against Lust” and the Covenant with One’s Eyes shaped many believers struggling with sexual temptation. His aggressive efforts sought to foster a “culture of purity” within the movement when moral relativism increased elsewhere impacted me greatly. Many of benefited in their walks with God as a result of these series. Possibly his own struggles and reaches for purity informed these teachings

Navigating a Leader’s Success and Failure

This poses a challenge. How do we reconcile positive impact with severe failure in the same leader? On one hand, beneficial teachings and ministries should be acknowledged regardless of the vessel God used, especially when Scripture is upheld. Yet on the other, we cannot diminish the importance of integrity and acting upon what one preaches. Sin always bears consequences, and leaders face stricter judgment.

This tension means balancing multiple truths in assessment of a fallen leader’s legacy. Exposure of any hidden sin absolutely requires accountability and change. Yet even sincere critics can admit God somehow worked good through a flawed person who still requires discipline.

Could This Actually Serve God’s Mysterious Purposes?

Perhaps this very conundrum serves God’s mysterious purposes to draw all of us closer to grace and integrity alike. The shaking wakes us up to avoid hypocrisy, the speck and log in our own eye. And future restoration remains possible when response proves genuine despite the pain.

Man looks outward, but God examines the heart beyond visible heights and failures. Could even this serve to purify the Church He loves while teaching us wisdom? As judgment begins in God’s household, may we respond through mercy triumphing over judgment in the end.

Emphasizing Personal Revelation Over Blind Allegiance

One of the key tenets of IHOPKC’s teaching, as championed by leaders like Bickle and Sliker, was the encouragement for individuals not to blindly accept ideas based solely on the authority of the speaker. Mike and David Sliker especially, always instructed us to ask for the same spirit of revelation they received; rather than just accept what they were teaching as true. They often stressed the importance of personal discernment and verification through Scripture, even as they shared their own impressions from prayer. This approach fostered a sense of genuine humility and intentionality, designed to steer people away from unquestioning loyalty to a ministry or teacher. His copyright was the right to copy; to emphasize message over messenger and fallen vessels.

The Culture of Communion with the Holy Spirit

This culture of honoring personal communion with the Holy Spirit is a fundamental aspect that remains crucial, especially now. In reevaluating IHOPKC’s beliefs and doctrines during this challenging period, it is vital to maintain the Berean spirit encouraged by leaders at IHOP. Their ministry approach serves as a reminder that true allegiance lies not with any individual or institution, but with Christ and His Word.

Beyond Personalities: A Focus on Intimacy with Jesus

While many respected voices have emerged from IHOPKC over the years, the essence of the prayer room experience has always been less about personality and more about fostering a direct, intimate relationship with Jesus. This focus on hearing Jesus’ voice through Scripture even when pouring over countless teachings reflects the wisdom of leaders who aim to guide followers not towards dependency on themselves, but towards personal encounters with God.

Building on a Foundation of Eternal Truth Amid Chaos

In the wake of revelations and reactions, we must guard our own responses with wisdom and care. Now is not the opportune time to pride ourselves for past skepticism, Nor should we overlook that amidst justified outrage, God still desires His people to pray and minister to hurting individuals. I’m reminded of the old chorus “I love it when you sing to me” – God still feels this, though our songs emerge through tears for a season.

Reflecting on the Mixed Legacy of IHOPKC

In contemplating the troubled legacy of IHOPKC, one might draw parallels with the Christmas classic ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ Just as the film explores the unseen positive impact of a single life, considering the good that IHOPKC has done alongside its failures may offer a more balanced perspective. Acknowledging the positive effects it has had on countless lives, while never excusing the harm caused, can help in approaching the situation with a mix of lament and grace. The analogy of wheat growing tangled among weeds aptly describes the coexistence of good and bad within such a complex legacy.

God’s Sovereignty in Times of Crisis

Amidst this period of reckoning and purification, it is crucial to remember that God remains sovereign. As His followers, we are called to reflect His righteousness and compassion. There needs to be firm correction for any abusive leadership, but our attitude towards the wounded should be one of mercy, akin to what we have received. Our emotional responses, while valid, should be guided by the Holy Spirit to foster genuine healing and constructive change, rather than contributing to further harm.

The Unfailing Love of Christ for His Church

Despite the profound failures and turmoil, the unwavering love of Christ for His Church endures. This enduring love and commitment from our Bridegroom is a beacon of hope to which we must cling. In this period of upheaval, our focus should be on nurturing the good – the wheat – that has grown, even amidst the harmful weeds that are now being uprooted. This process, underpinned by the knowledge that Christ continuously intercedes for His people, calls for prayers of healing and a commitment to emerging stronger and more faithful.

The Problematic Approach of Watchdog Video Podcasts

In the wake of the scandal surrounding Mike Bickle and IHOPKC, several watchdog video podcasts, such as “Wake Up and Win,” have emerged, claiming to advocate for truth and justice. While these channels have given a platform to the feelings of outrage and suspicion, their approach is often more harmful than helpful. The aggressive tone and methods used in these broadcasts frequently devolve into emotional tirades that lack discernment and restraint.

They often fail to thoroughly verify claims before launching into character attacks and broad accusations, tons of assumptions and careless speculation; resembling more of a witch hunt than responsible journalism. Yet care is taken to promote their interests, seemingly profiting off of trauma. It’s a bit self congratulatory and mostly serves to justify their past clashes with leadership and sows despair with little regard for the trauma and healing of those who are still reeling from the revelations and built their families life around this ministry.

The Lack of Spiritual Fruit in Reactionary Responses

The content of these watchdog podcasts often shows little evidence of the fruit of the Spirit, such as patience, kindness, or self-control. The Bible teaches that human anger does not bring about divine righteousness. Although righteous indignation over abuse is understandable, the broadcast of harsh retribution often does not support the actual victims and tends to create more confusion and division, ultimately serving the broadcasters’ own interests and home business rather than the cause of truth.

Advocacy for Victims vs. Reactionary Outrage

There is, however, a redeeming aspect to these podcasts’ efforts in applying pressure for justice in cases where institutional credibility is lacking. Advocacy for victims and ensuring institutional accountability is crucial. Nevertheless, this advocacy would be far more effective and credible if it involved less defamation and reactionary outrage, and more consistency, evidence-based reporting, wisdom, and restraint.

Pursuing Truth with Christlike Character

As we seek truth and justice in this situation, it is paramount to do so with perseverance, but also with a character that reflects Christ. The stark absence of tears or selfless care for victims but the presence of self promotion, “gotcha” journalism and profiting off others abuse is hard to endorse. Their association over the past decade has been more accusatory than intercessory. The process of revealing the truth is a divine one and should not be dictated by human impulsiveness and anger. Due process is essential to uncover the full context of the situation. Premature and emotionally charged judgments often miss crucial details and can lead to additional harm, especially when the motivation is vindication for ones self and a desire to tear down a ministry because of previous clashes and doctrinal disagreement. We all drink from different streams but there is but one God. Recognizing the mercy we have received from God, our efforts to seek answers and prevent further issues should be guided by patience, care, long-suffering, and restraint, embodying the principles of God’s kingdom.

Resource Update on Spiritual Abuse: Learning from Current Crises

I’d like to highlight the book “Something’s Not Right” as a key resource if you are struggling to feel seen in this moment. This book, an expose on manipulation and coverups in churches and ministries, resonates profoundly with the challenges currently faced by IHOPKC. It serves as a crucial educational tool in these times.

Educational Focus in Churches: Preventing Abuse

The ongoing revelations have prompted many churches to focus on education as a means to prevent further abuse. This emphasis on learning and re-learning vital lessons, even in the midst of revival, highlights the need for constant vigilance and awareness. The relevance of Mullen’s book to the current issues within the Charismatic movement underlines the importance of such resources in fostering understanding and preventing the recurrence of similar issues.

Concern Over Litigation-Oriented Responses

In times of crisis and revelation such as these, there is a critical need to turn to God in humility and seek His guidance and judgment. The absence of this approach, this applied trust in God’s holiness and justice, is not just surprising but deeply troubling. It raises questions about our foundational beliefs and the principles that are supposed to guide us, especially in challenging times.

The Greater Grief: Neglecting God’s Threshing Floor

Perhaps what grieves the Lord most is not just the instinct to “lawyer up” in response to crises, but doing so to the exclusion of seeking His presence and judgment. It’s like preparing for a harvest but neglecting the very ground on which it should occur – God’s threshing floor. This metaphorical space represents a place of divine judgment and purification, where true intentions and actions are revealed and assessed by God Himself.

A Call to Return to Spiritual Foundations

This scenario serves as a stark reminder of the need to return to our spiritual foundations in times of turmoil. The focus on legal and investigative procedures, while I suppose necessary for earthly justice, should not overshadow our spiritual responsibilities. The call to humble ourselves before God, to seek His wisdom and guidance, and to trust in His justice is paramount. It’s a call to remember that our ultimate accountability is not to human institutions or courts, but to the God of all justice, in whose presence true healing and restoration can begin.

Praying for Comfort in the Midst of Trauma and Depression

In the wake of the recent revelations that have shaken the IHOPKC community and others affected, the need for comfort and solace for those emerging from trauma and battling depression is paramount. The scripture, particularly 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, provides a profound source of hope and guidance in these trying times: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

The Nature of Divine Comfort

This passage highlights the character of God as the ultimate source of compassion and comfort. In moments of despair and desolation, it is this divine comfort that can provide a balm to the wounded soul. The unique aspect of God’s comfort is that it is not merely a passive empathy but an active and transformative presence that nurtures and heals from within.

God’s Comfort in Personal Trials

For those battling the shadows of trauma and depression, the assurance of God’s comfort offers a ray of hope. Personal trials often bring feelings of isolation and helplessness, but the promise in this scripture is that God is intimately aware of our struggles. His comfort is not distant or detached; it is a profound presence that surrounds and permeates our being, offering strength and peace even in the darkest of times.

Extending Comfort to Others

Importantly, the scripture invites us to become conduits of the comfort we receive in due time. In our own experience of divine solace, we are equipped to empathize with and support others who are hurting. This cycle of receiving and giving comfort creates a community of care and resilience. It is through our own healing that we learn the language of consolation and become better able to walk alongside others in their journeys of recovery.

The Role of Community in Healing

The path to healing from trauma and depression is often a communal journey. The shared experiences within a community can foster an environment where individuals feel understood and supported. Being surrounded by others who have also known pain, yet have found solace and strength in God’s comfort, can be incredibly affirming and encouraging. I endured abuse at a young age from a family member and the church and community was so powerfully healing to me.

Hope and Healing Beyond Pain

In times of upheaval and distress, hope might seem like a distant flicker, but the promise of God’s unfailing comfort assures us that healing is possible. The journey may be long and fraught with challenges, but the relentless compassion of God is a steadfast anchor. It’s in this hope that we find the courage to face each day, and in His comfort, we discover the capacity to heal and to bring healing to others.

Affirmation of Survivors’ Courage and Worth

In the midst of the tumultuous events, my unwavering prayers are with the survivors, who are enduring the most profound impact of this crisis. To those of you who may read this, please know that you are deeply cherished and respected. Your courage in facing these challenges is a powerful testament to the strength of truth over fear. You are deserving of every measure of justice and acknowledgment.

Upholding the Eternal Truths and Standing in Solidarity

Despite the challenges we face, the eternal truths that have been revealed to us and the resonant call of Christ in our lives remain unshakeable. It is through God’s grace that we continue to worship and follow Jesus, in all circumstances. May God’s peace and comfort envelop you in your journey, and may His justice be evident in the path you have courageously chosen to walk. You are not alone in this journey; you have allies and friends among us who are committed to reform and who hear, love, and stand with you in this time of healing and rebuilding.

Sixteen Values of Enjoyable Prayer IHOP-KC

The promise of enjoyable prayer is for everyone.

Value #1             Enjoying Intimacy with the Beautiful God
Value #2             The Necessity of Combining Worship and Intercession
Value #3             Praying in the Spirit & Spontaneous Singing
Value #4             Cultivating a Prophetic Spirit on the Musicians
Value #5             Antiphonal Singing and Team Ministry in Prayer
Value #6             Prayer with Authority and the Joy of Answered Prayer
Value #7             The Joy of Evangelism, World Missions & Serving the Poor
Value #8             Path to Fullness: Joy in Loving & Needing the Whole Church
Value #9             God-centered Spiritual Warfare
Value #10             Biblical Prayers Using God’s Language
Value #11             Platform Ministry Style – Exalting Jesus
Value #12             The Necessary of Perseverance – Staying Engaged in Prayer
Value #13            Militant Boldness Against the Works of Darkness
Value #14             Conviction of Coming Revival & the Victorious Church
Value #15             Revelation of the End-Time Judgments of God
Value #16             Structure and Leadership in Prayer Meetings

The Promise of Enjoyable Prayer is for Everyone 

“Also the sons of the foreigner who join themselves to the LORD…to love the name of the LORD…EVEN THEM I will bring to My holy mountain, and MAKE THEM JOYFUL in My house of prayer.”  (Isa. 56:6-7)

  1. The Lord will release joyful or enjoyable prayer to His church.  The only type of prayer that will continue night and day is enjoyable prayer.  Anointed enjoyable prayer is for everyone.  “Even them” – Isaiah referred to the idolatrous barbaric nations around Israel as being invited to enjoy God in prayer. God promises to release enjoyable prayer – Isa. 56; 62; Ps. 149; Rev. 4-5.
  2. The most significant passage related to enjoyable prayer outlines the beauty of God in context to the heavenly worship around the Throne (Rev. 4-5).  The beauty of God fascinates the heart and makes prayer enjoyable.

Value #1 – Enjoying Intimacy with the Beautiful God

“ONE THING I HAVE DESIRED OF THE LORD, that will I seek:…all the days of my life, TO BEHOLD THE BEAUTY OF THE LORD….”  (Ps. 27:4)

  1. David’s life-long preoccupation was gazing on the beauty of God.  God’s beauty was central to the prayer ministry led by King David.  In eternity, the subject of the beauty of God is our eternal preoccupation with God Himself.  He is the delight and the pleasure of His people forever.
  2. The revelation of God’s emotions and affections (burning desires) was also part of David’s special focus.
  3. The combination of God’s beauty with His emotions for human beings provides the essential ingredients of enjoyable prayer.
  4. The sustaining reality behind the IHOP-KC prayer model of 24-hour-a-day prayer is to encounter God as we understand His beauty and affection.  Some who are interested in the IHOP-KC vision of 24-hour-a-day prayer are more interested in the structure and model of “Harp and Bowl.”  However, the power to engage in night and day prayer is found in having a heart that soars in God.
  5. Our primary focus in prayer must be on God rather than on repenting of sin or binding the devil.  You cannot do this 24 hours a day for years and years.  Yes, we engage in these spiritual realities, but they are not the main focus of 24/7 prayer.
  6. King David’s theology of prayer provides essential dynamics for enjoyable prayer  (Ps. 149; 16). David wrote of God’s pleasure, delight and affection for His people.
  7. King David taught the people to enjoy God.  In place of the word “rejoice” or “joyful” think of the word “enjoy.”

“Let Israel rejoice (enjoy) in their Maker; let the children of Zion be joyful (enjoy) in their King.”  (Ps. 149:2).

  1. God delights or takes pleasure in His people.  At the heart of Davidic revelation is the understanding of God’s delight in us (even in our weakness).  The beauty God possesses, is the beauty He imparts to His people through redemption.

“For the LORD takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.”  (Ps. 149:4)

  1. The first Person of the Trinity is a tender Father, and the second Person of the Trinity is a passionate Bridegroom.  The subjects of God the Father and Jesus the Bridegroom God are vital to the End-Time prayer movement.  I cannot over emphasize the value of Song of Solomon and the doctrine of the Bride of Christ.
  2. The bridal paradigm of the kingdom is essential to experiencing enjoyable night and day prayer.

You shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD will name.  You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.  You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah…for the LORD delights in you…  For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you; and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.  I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night.  You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent,”  (Isa. 62:2-6)

  1. Understanding our new name refers to understanding our new spiritual identity as being delighted in by God.
  2. The strength to the End-Time prayer movement is rooted in having a new paradigm or a new picture of God.  When we have a new view of God we inevitably have a new view of who we are in God.  Our spiritual identity is found in first being lovers of God before being workers for God.  We are lovers before we are workers.  Lovers will always outwork the workers.
  3. The night and day perseverance in intercession (Isa. 62:6) is fueled by the confidence and assurance that God delights in us (Isa. 62:2-5).

Value #2 Necessity of Combining Worship and Intercession

“The twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a HARP, AND GOLDEN BOWLS full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”  (Rev. 5:8)

  1. The harp speaks of music and songs of worship to God.  The bowls speak of prayers to God.  Around the throne of God worship and intercession flow together.
  2. Spiritual warfare is essentially agreement with God.  Worship is agreement with who God is (“You are worthy, You are good,” etc.).  Intercession is agreement with what God promises to do (“Lord release Your Spirit,” etc.).  When we declare the truth of who God is (worship), our faith expands to agree with what He promised to do (intercession).  When we are preoccupied with who God is, we sustain our faith in interceding for the revival the He promised to release.

Value #3 Praying in the Spirit: Developing a Flowing Heart

  1. We sing with our spirit and with our understanding.

I will sing WITH THE SPIRIT, and I will also sing WITH THE UNDERSTANDING.”  (1 Cor. 14:14-15)

  1. Singing with our spirit in tongues.

“For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God…  however, IN THE SPIRIT HE SPEAKS MYSTERIES…He who speaks in a tongue EDIFIES HIMSELF…”  (1 Cor. 14:2-4)

  1. Singing with our understanding from the Scriptures.

“…in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, SINGING AND MAKING MELODY in your heart to the Lord,”  (Eph. 5:19)

“Let the WORD OF CHRIST dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching …one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, SINGING WITH GRACE IN YOUR HEARTS to the Lord.”  (Col. 3:16)

Value #4 Cultivating a Prophetic Spirit on the Musicians 

  1. Learning to flow in prophetic music and song is essential to establishing a corporate model of enjoyable prayer.  Why music?  Why the harp?  Why is operating in anointed music important?  The mystery of music is in the being of God.  God is a musician.  The Holy Spirit is a musical Spirit.  Music is the greatest form of entertainment in every culture.  Why?  Because the human spirit is musical.
  2. Around the throne of God, the saints and angels experience the anointing of the Spirit in music and singing as they worship.  The combination of anointed preaching with anointed music brings new dimensions.  For example, the whole room can feel the same thing together in a deep way.  Even 100,000 in a stadium can enter into the same depth of emotion together, feeling the same thing together for hours at a time with the combination of anointed music and anointed truths.
  3. King David invested great amounts of resources (time and money) into cultivating anointed music and singers.

“Moreover David…separated for service…sons of Asaph, of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should PROPHESY WITH HARPS, STRINGED INSTRUMENTS, AND CYMBALS…Of the sons of Asaph…, WHO PROPHESIED according to the order of the king…six sons under the direction of their father Jeduthun, WHO PROPHESIED WITH A HARP to give thanks and to praise the LORD.”  (1 Chr. 25:1-3)

  1. Why did David invest so much resource into cultivating prophetic musicians?  Because this dimension in the Spirit does not come automatically.  It comes through much intentional training and impartation.  It takes time.  I tell pastors to get singers who operate in a prophetic spirit and who have a spontaneous spirit.  This is critical to cultivating a vibrant spiritual atmosphere in the Church.
  2. It is not enough to add worship songs as a warm up to a prayer meeting or to have them merely as background music.  Musicians must cultivate a prophetic spirit that flows like a river inside them.
  3. Elisha the prophet asked for a musician to release the anointing of the Spirit.

“‘But now bring me a musician.’  Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.”  (2 Kings 3:15)

  1. The trumpets and harps are prominent in God’s End-Time strategy as seen in the book of Revelation.  God releases His judgments on the earth through the music of Divine trumpets (Rev 8:13; 9:14).  They were also important in King David’s prayer ministry (2 Sam. 6:15; 1 Chr. 13:8; 1 Chr. 15:24, 28; 16:6, 42; 2 Chr. 5:13; 7:6; 13:12, 14; 15:14; 20:28; 23:13; 29:26-27; Neh. 4:20; 12:35, 41).

Value #5 Antiphonal Singing and Team Ministry in Prayer 

Antiphonal singing means responsive singing.  The harp and bowl model is built around antiphonal praying (singing) of the Word.  Antiphonal singing involves functioning in team ministry in the Holy Spirit in the realm of worship and prayer.  Antiphonal singing (praying) is a dynamic way to provide diversity that helps to sustain long hours of worship and prayer with greater intensity.  In team ministry in prayer, we are experiencing more of the flow of the Spirit.  This is another principle important for a corporate model of enjoyable prayer.

  1. Antiphonal singing is the model of God’s choice around the Throne.  In this scene around the Throne, there are five different groups breaking forth in a heavenly crescendo as they minister to God together as one team.

“Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.  And they sang a new song, saying: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,  And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth.’  Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!’  And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: ‘Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!’  Then the four living creatures said, ‘Amen!’  And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped Him who lives forever and ever.” (Rev. 5:8-14)

  1. The four living creatures and 24 elders sing in Rev. 5:8-10.
  2. The myriads of angels join them in Rev. 5:11-12.
  3. Every creature joins the first two groups in Rev. 5:13.
  4. The four living creatures cry out in a chorus of “amen” in Rev. 5:14.
  5. The 24 elders break out into worship in Rev. 5:14.
  6. Value #6 Agreeing with God’s Heart & Joy IN Answered Prayer
  7. Prayer that comes from God’s heart is the kind of prayer upon which the Holy Spirit releases Divine authority.  Understanding God’s heart helps us in several different ways to enjoy intimacy with Jesus.

“Most assuredly, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you …Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”  (John 16:23-24)

  1. Inspired prayer that comes from communion with the Holy Spirit.  The result is answered prayer that makes our joy full.

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it will be done for you.”  (John 15:7)

  1. Informed intercession.
  2. Accurate information about God’s heart for a people or an area is critical to reaching the fullness of partnering with the Holy Spirit in intercession. Prophetic observation (sometimes aided by human research) identifies the past activity of God, which can lead us to understand the redemptive purposes and prophetic promises for a specific people or geographic area.
  3. Learning to ask strategic questions.  Spiritual mapping is the process of asking strategic questions to God and from researching history.
  4. Asking God to reveal what is specifically on His heart for a people or a geographic area will lead us to partner in a deep way with Him.
  5. Asking questions about the history of a people or area will lead us to prayer strategically with informed hearts.
  6. To discern the social and spiritual dynamics at work in a specific geographic area helps the intercessors to sustain fervency in prayer.  This is done by enhancing our understanding of what God desires to release by His Spirit.  Two things that help sustain concentrated and focused intercession are progressive revelation and clear provable results.  People are motivated by gaining new info as the Divine drama in prophetic prayer unfolds.  This is the same motivation that makes a person listen intensely to a great story.  Each detail draws them in with great attention as they understand more.  They begin to see the where the end of the story is going.  There is a clear sense of momentum when new information is discerned and new breakthroughs occur.  The revelatory focus that progressively unfolds more and more information contributes to sustained fervency and effective prayer.
  7. See George Otis’ book – Informed Intercession
  8. See Lou Engle’s book – Digging the Wells of Revival


Value #7 Joy of Evangelism, World Missions & Serving the Poor

  1. Enjoyable prayer is prayer that is active in the Great Harvest.

“‘Even them…I will MAKE THEM JOYFUL in My house of prayer …for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.’  The Lord GOD, who gathers the outcasts of Israel, says, ‘Yet I will gather… others besides…’”  (Isa. 56:6-8)

  1. Enjoyable prayer is prayer that is active in the Great Harvest.  The joy of God’s heart is imparted to the angels and the church when the lost are saved.

“Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”  (Luke 15:10)

“…describing the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy to all the brethren.”  (Acts 15:3)

“For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?  Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and joy.”  (1 Thess. 2:19 -20)

  1. The joy of God’s heart is imparted to the church as we partner with Him in serving the poor.

“We make known to you the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia: …the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded in …their liberality.  For I bear witness that according to their ability…they were freely willing, imploring us with much urgency that we would receive the gift… ministering to the saints.”  (2 Cor 8:1-4)

  1. Evangelism fires up intercession, and intercession fires up evangelism.  Each one contributes to the other.  The success of evangelism brings such joy to the prayer room.  However, lack of success in evangelism brings added urgency and burden to the prayer room as well.  We must be active in evangelism, healing the sick and feeding the poor while we pray night and day expecting “revival to break out.”  We must actively minister to others while we seek for a release of more of the Spirit’s power in our labors.  We are empowered as we “pray and go.”  We cannot afford to neglect either the praying or the going.  They must operate together.  God has joined together prayer and evangelism.
  2. Anna the intercessor was the first evangelist in the New Testament (Luke 2:37-38).  Jesus the evangelist called for diligent prayer for anointed evangelists to be released in the harvest (Luke 10:2).

Value #8 Path to Fullness – Joy in Loving & Needing the Whole body

  1. Loving the whole church in all nations and from all denominations.

“may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height”  (Eph. 3:18)

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!…for there the LORD commanded the blessing….”  (Ps. 133:1-3)

“fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.”  (Phil. 2:2)

  1. We emphasize our need of the Church.  Paul had a revelation of his need for others knowing that there was a “ceiling in the spirit” in his personal prayer life until the others in the Church helped him in prayer.  Paul pleads for help in prayer from others weaker in faith, so that he may overcome the counter attack of the enemy and have a more effective ministry to the Church.

“Now I beg you, brethren…through the love of the Spirit, THAT YOU STRIVE TOGETHER WITH ME IN PRAYERS TO GOD FOR ME, that I may be delivered from those in Judea…and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints,”  (Rom. 15:30-31)

“you also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons …for the gift granted to us….”  (2 Cor. 1:11)

  1. Paul knows that his deliverance from persecution and his anointing for boldness was released in part from the prayers of the saints.

“For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ…”  (Phil. 1:19)

  1. The International House of Prayer is not the effort of one local church.  It belongs to the whole church in the city.
    1. value #9 God-centered spiritual warfare
    2. The general rule is that God-centered intercessory worship is God’s primary strategy for the church to resist and dislodge demonic spiritual forces.  As a general rule, we focus our proclamations directly to God. 
    3. The New Testament distinguishes between two categories of demonic spirits – i.e. demonic spirits who dwell inside people and demonic spirits that dwell in heavenly places called principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness (Eph. 6:12).  The Bible teaches two different strategies in confronting these two different categories of demonic spirits.  As a rule (there are exceptions), we directly rebuke spirits that dwell inside humans.  However, we dismantle principalities in the heavens (dislodging or wrestling with the disembodied evil spirits in the heavens) by directly addressing GodThere are exceptions to this general rule, in which case, we focus our proclamations directly to the enemy.
    4. Engaging in spiritual warfare is essentially done by agreeing with God and disagreeing with the enemy.  Spiritual warfare operates through agreement with God’s heart and is manifest in various ways.
    5. Worship is agreement with who God is (Holy is the Lord, You are worthy, God is good).  Worship is expressed by declaring the truth of God.
    6. Intercession is agreement with what He promises to do (Lord, release Your Spirit in revival and judgment).  Intercession is expressed by declaring what He will do.
    7. Repentance is coming into agreement with God’s heart for us (holiness) and breaking agreement with darkness in our hearts.
    8. Healing prayer is coming into agreement with God’s heart for healing and breaking our agreement with sickness.
    9. Serving is coming into agreement with the servant heart of Jesus and breaking our agreement with selfish pride.
    10. God-ward prayers – the intercessory prayers in the Scripture are all God-centered.  In other words, all of the approximately 25-30 New Testament apostolic prayers are directed to God instead of sin or the devil.  There are no New Testament intercessory prayers directed at the devil or at sin.  Therefore, our primary focus is God-centered prayers instead of demon-centered or sin-focused prayers.  On specific occasions the Holy Spirit may lead the church to war against a principality in a direct way.  This is a governmental function that requires unity with the Holy Spirit.

Value #10 Biblical Prayers Using God’s Language

  1. Biblical prayers are the actual prayer and worship texts from the Scripture. Locating the actual prayer verses of the Bible is not the same as merely praying Bible verses (that are not prayers).  Biblical prayers are the language of God’s heart.  They are such a valuable gift to the Church because they originated in God’s burning heart for His people.
  2. I encourage people to avoid “preaching prayers.”  These are “prayers” which have more exhortation to people than praying to God.  They result from selecting a good Bible exhortation and seeking to use it as a prayer.  These prayers are then turned into mini–sermons on the mic during times designated for intercession.
  3. New Testament prayers are positive prayers.  In other words, they focus on asking God to release good qualities instead of asking Him to removing negative qualities.  For example, Paul prayed for the releasing of love, faith, unity, peace, righteousness and power instead of asking the Lord to remove hate, unbelief, division, fear or sin.
  4. The positive focus of New Testament prayers helps people connect with God and His people.  The very positive nature of these prayers was designed by God to help weak people soar in the Spirit with a heart of unity and love.  In other words, biblical prayers are not designed to make it easier for God to hear us, but to make it easier for us to be united with one another and experience God.  God answers many negative prayers.  God can sort through the confusing negative “preaching prayers” to answer the cry of our heart.
  5. Negative prayers with a focus on sin often result in a judgmental angry type of railing prayer against the Church and its people.
  6. Identificational repentance as demonstrated by Ezra and Nehemiah is good and effective when the Holy Spirit orchestrates it in context to unity with governmental leaders in the Body of Christ.

Value #11 IHOP-KC Platform Ministry Style – exalting Jesus

Core Value – using the Scripture as we learn to flow in the Holy Spirit to draw attention to Jesus and not to people on the platform.

The Holy Spirit’s zeal to exhibit Jesus, not the servants of Jesus

“He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.” (John 16:14)

  1. The Apostle Paul’s zeal to exhibit Jesus, not himself

“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus …”  (2 Cor. 4:5)

  1. John the Baptist’s primary value as a friend of the Bridegroom

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”  (John 3:30)

  1. Genuineness in ministry style is a very important value to IHOP-KC.  This speaks of our commitment to refuse exaggeration of the Holy Spirit’s activity or to seek to produce (manipulate) a human response that is not genuinely from the heart.
  2. In this hour, the spiritual culture in many charismatic ministries is platform theatrics, soulish exhibitionism and hype that draw undo attention to conference personalities.  Soulish exhibitionism refers to activity that seeks to draw attention to oneself.  In our zeal to magnify Jesus such things have no place in the IHOP-KC platform ministry style.  Our desire is to pursue excellence, humility and a spirit of hiddenness (even though in front of multitudes) in all that we do on the platform.  This will involve being more restrained than some are accustomed to in their previous ministry involvement with other charismatic ministries.
  3. For more on expressions of exhibitionism (see session on platform ministry style).
  4. Overly animated public ministry style.  Some people develop personal “signature platform expressions” that distinguish them from others.  This is common in the entertainment world, but not the goal for the House of Prayer. Physical expression on the platform such as overly waving hands, arms, and body motions, etc., should be kept to a minimum so as to not draw undo attention to people on the platform.  We ask our team to be as inconspicuous and subtle in at all times when ministering on the platform.

Value #12 Necessity of Perseverance – Staying Engaged in Prayer

“And there is no one who calls on Your name, who stirs himself up to take hold of You; for You have hidden Your face from us…”  (Isa. 64:7)

“praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”  (Eph. 6:18)

  1. We value perseverance in prayer, in order to be attentive with spiritual intensity that engages with God and in order to remain in the flow of the Spirit during prayer meetings.  The place of perseverance in prayer for others is to labor in love for their breakthrough.  Such wrestling in prayer is a dynamic expression of love.
  2. A culture of spiritual aggression and boldness in the prayer room is vital to experience God’s fullness.  Aggressive prayer in the Holy Spirit opens the door to benefits that many are content to live without.  We are not content to live without the fullness of what God has.  The blessing of God is sometimes withheld until we aggressively respond in our cooperation with God’s grace.  It is rare today to see a corporate people press in to the Spirit with spiritual alertness and perseverance for extended periods of time.
  3. It is natural to passively disengage while others are praying.  However, it is important to rise up to be aggressive and not passive and lethargic in the prayer room as we stir ourselves up to overcome a wandering mind, tired body and distracted heart.

Value #13 Militant Boldness Against the Works of Darkness

Cultivating a militant spirit with bold faith will result in greater blessing being released.  Boldness to stand against demonic activity in those we pray for will often make a significant difference.  Sometimes it will be the difference between life and death.

A militant spirit enables us to rise up to aggressively withstand and then quench the attacks of the devil.

“For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that HE MIGHT DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL.”  (1 John 3:8)

“…that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”  (Eph. 6:11)

“…taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.”  (Eph. 6:16)

“from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE”  (Matt. 11:12)

  1. The combination of a militant spirit with a spirit of devotion in intimacy with God is rare.  This combination is vital in the Harp and Bowl model.

Value #14 Conviction of Coming Revival & The Victorious Church

When the conviction of revival runs high, faith for night and day prayer runs high.  Believing God for the big things He has promised is essential fuel for night and day prayer ministries.  God has promised great things for His church.  Therefore, we will not draw back with religious timidity and false humility, which is unbelief.

Bold agreement with God is essential for the breakthrough of revival.  The zealous pursuit of a historic breakthrough of the Spirit is a value at IHOP-KC.

    1. Paul Cain’s word – the stadiums will be filled with nameless and faceless ministries doing “greater works” and leading multitudes to Jesus (John 14:12).
    2. A word from the Lord given to Mike Bickle in Cairo, Egypt, (Sept. 1982).

“I will change the understanding and expression of Christianity in the whole earth in one generation.”

Value #15 Revelation of the End-Time Judgments of God

  1. The End-Time judgment of God (Lk. 17:22-37) was the context that Jesus used to call His people to night and day prayer for the release of “speedy” justice in the earth (Lk. 18:1-8).

“‘As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.  Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.  Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.’  And they answered and said to Him, ‘Where, Lord?’ So He said to them, ‘Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.’  Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart….”  (Lk. 17:22-18:1)

Value #16 Structure and Leadership in Prayer Meetings

  1. Principle – the Harp and Bowl model is seeking to establish a structure that is designed to launch the highest amount of spontaneity possible for a 24-hour-a-day schedule.  We are seeking a worship model that combines both structure and spontaneity and reflects the worship around the Throne in the heavenly symphony (Rev. 4-5).
  2. The Harp and Bowl model is a “prophetic liturgy.”  Our desire is to worship God with spontaneity (prophetic); therefore, we have structure (liturgy).
  3. Prophetic – includes spontaneous fresh new expressions and creativity.
  4. Liturgy – includes form and structure that facilitate more spontaneity.
  5. Our structure is a permission-giving mechanism.  We experience more spontaneous flow of the Holy Spirit within the boundaries of a model if the model is properly designed.  A good and effective structure helps a group of people cooperate better with the flow of the Holy Spirit as it aids the team in boldness and unity.
  6. The necessity of human leadership is a God-given principle necessary to flow in the Spirit (Matt. 16:19; 18:18).  Within God’s sovereign plan, the Holy Spirit allows what we allow and neglects what we neglect.
  7. There is one primary “governing principle” in the Harp and Bowl model.  It is the principle of “developing a passage by antiphonal praying (singing).”
    Note – four terms related to this principle: 1) the biblical stanza; 2) developing a “biblical sentence;” 3)“developing a theme;” and 4) “isolating a phrase.”
  8. This one “governing principle” expresses three values that relate to flowing in one accord as we lead the congregation in worship and prayer.  They are: team ministry (we go farther together in the symphony of God), inclusiveness (everyone can participate even the weak) and the centrality of the Scripture (God’s language unifies our heart with His and others).
  9. We recognize in God’s wisdom the principle of combining structure with spontaneity as seen in our solar system as well as in the human body.  For example, precise scientific order that is predictable exits in our solar system alongside spontaneous air currents that are unpredictable.  Also, human life itself flows in context to our human skeletal structure supporting the spontaneous functions of air and blood flow, etc.  In other words, in God’s creative order spontaneity is enhanced and benefited by correct structure.
  10. In developing the governing principle of the Harp and Bowl model, we are seeking a simple structure that facilitates diversity and spontaneity as we flow in team ministry on the platform and in one accord in the congregation in worship and prayer.  The challenge is between free expression from the platform leadership and the ability of the congregation to fully participate with engaged hearts.

Why “develop a passage” by developing the themes within a biblical passage?

  1. It provides opportunity for team ministry in worship and Holy Spirit ministry to the congregation.
  2. It provides opportunity for diversity and creativity which is so necessary for 24-hour-a-day prayer. It provides opportunity for a “crescendo” in the Holy Spirit to be released to us through worship.
  3. It is a way to function as a “singing seminary” (Col. 3:16).

We are seeking to receive revelation from God concerning ways to move forward in our journey to establish a new model of Harp and Bowl spiritual warfare.  We want to learn how to enjoy Jesus as we combine God-centered worship and intercession with musical prophetic anointing that reaches the lost and loves the whole church.  One that focuses on intimacy with God in the beauty realm and yet, is aggressive and bold with zeal to destroy the works of the devil as Jesus is magnified in all nations of the earth.

Some traditional models of prayer today are not seeking to experience God with enjoyable prayer, nor to be energized by experiencing intimacy with enjoying intimacy with the beautiful God, nor to combine intercession and anointed worship, nor to training the singers to develop a flowing heart, nor by cultivating a prophetic spirit on the musicians.  They are individualistic, without team ministry in intercession (antiphonal singing), without understanding prayer with authority, are unrelated to the joy of evangelism, world missions and the poor and do not seek to experience the joy of loving and needing the whole church with a spirit of unity.  They are not God-centered, are negative and lack positive biblical prayers, and have a platform ministry style of hype and manipulation.  These models are passive without perseverance to stay engaged with God, lacking militant boldness against the works of darkness without a conviction of revival or the victorious church and without revelation of the End-Time judgments of God.  Finally, they do not have a proper structure to minimize timidity (self conscious) and increase bold leadership in prayer meetings.

End Times Timechart

Please read this before you view the Timechart:

150 chapters of the bible relate to the end-times, and He wants us to know Him and His plans.  We want to know the Jesus who is to come, not just He who was and is.

2nd Thes 2:1-4 states clearly that the Rapture/2nd Coming comes After the “Falling Away from the Faith” and After the Antichrist is revealed.

He wouldn’t have us just learn the timing of His plans and stop there, we must take these chapters and verses to God and let our understanding be formed by Word and Spirit, not by culture or tradition or sentiment.

We want to be lovers of truth, and protected by God from disaster, by learning to be led by the Spirit, and having understanding of the hour we are in.  For Jesus to return and rule the earth, He must first cleanse the earth of wickedness and judge sin once and for all, there will be martyrs, but there will be supernatural protection and provision greater than the book of Acts and Exodus (Mic 7:15).  We will do greater work than these (John 14:12) when there is a great need for them.  He will have a pure and spotless bride and these Judgments will remove all that hinders love and wholeheartedness.  Daniel fasted and received revelation of end-times and revelation that he was greatly beloved.  God has built the plumb-line of His Kingdom on Asking, Seeking, and Knocking if we ask for understanding and revelation on these verses, we will receive.

When Peter quoted Joel 2 ‘outpouring of the Spirit,’ he was borrowing an end-time prophesy.  The end times will be the greatest hour of the church, the hour of the greatest miracles and there will be need for them. God loves to paint Himself into a corner, and then split the sea to deliver in the 11th hour.  Even faced with martyrdom, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but His love will cast hour fear as we meditate on His Word without ceasing, and the righteous will be a bold as lions.

Is it the end-times?  An examination of the signs of His Return, that Jesus Gave:

From Ihopnw

Chart 2

ET Chart.jpgTimeline of End-Time Events: 


4And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of sorrows. ( Matt. 24:4-8)

1. Season of intensification: Matt. 24:4-8

2. Natural disruptions: Matt. 24:4-8

3. Nations in conflict: Matt. 24:4-8

4. Heavenly warfare: Matt. 24:4-8

5. Famine – food & drought: Matt. 24:4-8

6. Pestilence – increased trouble: Matt. 24:4-8

7. Deception: Matt. 24:4-8

8. Antichrist begins political career incognito: Dan. 7:8; 11:23

9. Harlot / Antichrist begin relationship: Rev. 17:3; 18:3,7,12-13; Dan. 11:24,38; Ps. 52:7

10. Antichrist consolidates his power base / removes 3 kings: Dan. 7:8; 11;22-23; Rev. 17:13

11. Global Houses of Prayer: Isa. 56:6-7; Amos 9:11-12; Mark 11:17

12. Daniel Seals released: Dan. 12:4, 9-10

13. Jesus’ prayer answered: Jn. 17:20-26

4“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” 9And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.


7 Years Start:

II. 1ST 3 1/2 YEARS

FALSE PEACE/ FALLING AWAY I Thess. 5:1-3; 2 Thess. 2:3

1. Rise of the Antichrist: Ez. 38:8-9; Dan. 7:19-25; Hos. 11:5; 1 Thess. 5:3; Rev. 13

2. Transgression Reaches Fullness: Dan. 8:23 / Gen. 15:16

3. False Prophet: Rev. 13:11-14

4. Covenant of Death: Dan. 9:27; Isa. 28:15, 18; 57:7-10; Hos. 10:3-6; 5:13; 12:1

5. Nations Divide up the Land: Joel 3:1-3; Ez. 36:1-3; Ps. 83:1-12

6. Third Temple Built: Dan. 8:11-13; Continue reading

Ihopkc 40 Day Fast

Continue reading

God’s Eternal Purpose

A New Series

Mike Bickle has starting a another series at IHOP-KC called Studies in the Bride of Christ.  It will probably be a lot of session, with this post I want to examine some of the themes with the purpose of inspiring you to challenge yourself to dive into some of them.

The bride of Christ is right at the center of God’s eternal purpose.  This is a very big statement. God’s ultimate purpose for creation was to provide a family for Himself and to provide a bride for His Son.

He ordained that He would give His Son an eternal companion that would be equally yoked to Him in love (2 Cor 6:14 – If God want’s us to have equally yoked brides/partners, wouldn’t he want Christ to have the same?  Through grace He will).  God wills that she would reign with Him forever and forever on the earth.

When God first established the plan of creation, to create the heavens and the earth, the natural realm, and then to create a human race to live in the natural realm, His idea is that He would join together the natural realm and the supernatural realm together on the earth.

His plan was that human beings would be the vessels, or would be those that He ordained this for, and He wanted these people to be His Son’s eternal companion. They would rule with His Son forever on the earth.

An Aggressive Plan

Just think about it. Go back ages past. To involve human beings, to create a race, a brand new race of beings; there were angels, there were demons, but a whole new race of created beings that would be made in God’s image so that they could fellowship with God and connect with God at a heart level in a way that angels cannot. Then God would invite these human beings into the fellowship of the Trinity, the fellowship of the Godhead, and He would invite them into the government of the Trinity.

They would participate with Jesus in ruling the earth with His authority forever and forever. Again, this is aggressive. This is big. I mean, this must have shocked the angels when the plan was unveiled the first time.

They probably had no way to comprehend what was happening. That a new race of beings, higher than them, that would be made in God’s image so they could actually connect with God in love at the heart level, at the spirit level.

They would have capacities that the angels would not have. Then they would be invited into the government of the Godhead. Not just into the fellowship of the Godhead, but the government of it, in ruling this new natural realm.

This heaven and earth realm of which the supernatural dimension would be joined to it in God’s timing, Rev. 19:7, is one of the key points for which God has orchestrated all of human history. We see it written at the end, but it was the plan in His heart from the beginning. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, that the Son of God would have a marriage and have a wife.

It is more than this. God would orchestrate history in such a way that the wife would voluntarily be ready and prepared. He would not force her, but He would orchestrate history in a way, and woo her, to where she would say yes of her own accord.

She would make herself ready. Of course, under the anointing of the grace of God, but the point in this verse is that she willingly responded. A willing bride, she said yes of her own accord. God did not violate her freewill. That was part of the great eternal plan. Father God set His heart and His plan in motion. He created the heavens and the earth, created the human race.

Then He began to train her so that she would willingly say yes, so she would be worthy for the worthy Son, a prepared bride for a worthy Son. That was the genius of the Father, a prepared bride for a worthy Son.

Rev 3:21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Rev. 3:21, she would sit with Me, Jesus said. She would sit with Me on My throne. That statement is so big. That statement is so without any precedent in human imagination that humans would sit with Jesus on His throne in partnership, in government, forever.

Rev. 5:10, she would reign on the earth in the earth realm, the natural realm. Again, in the perfect timing of God, the natural and the supernatural will come together on the earth at the time of the Second Coming.

The Father promised the Son an inheritance. Ps. 2:8, “I will give you the nations as your inheritance. I will give you the ends of the earth as your possession.” The Father ordained that Jesus would have an inheritance, but the inheritance would be in the natural realm.

It would not be just a heavenly inheritance up in heaven, but it would be an inheritance that would involve the earth realm, the natural realm. It would be a full possession of the nations and that Jesus would not just govern them partially, He would fully possess them. That is a key phrase. That He would possess them. They would be His.

They would be totally His; the land as well as the people. As a matter of fact, it is clear from Scripture that the inheritance is more about the people, but it does include the land itself. The title deed of the earth is given to the man Christ Jesus.

He owns all the property of the earth. It is His. More important are the people that dwell on the land and the property that He owns. Continue reading

The Yoke of Meekness


-We really want to get the revelation on this verse. Matthew 11:28 really is the clearest teaching on how to have a vibrant spirit, a happy heart. Jesus says, “Come to Me” (Mt. 11:28). He says, “I’m the source of the instruction, but I’m also the power source. Come to Me. Connect with Me and I’ll teach you about meekness; and I’ll empower you to walk it out.” It’s the all-important, “Come to Me.” He uses that invitation several times through the Gospels.

He says, “Come to Me, all that labor and are heavy laden” (Mt. 11:28, paraphrased). And of course it’s the whole human race. To be heavily laden means you have a heavy spirit. You’re weighed down in your emotions. You’re weighed down with things. He says, “I will give you rest” (v. 28b, NKJV). Now rest is a term that involves many things. He’s talking about our emotions. He’s talking about giving us the power of a vibrant spirit, a free spirit. He’s talking about a joyous, happy spirit. And He said, “Now I will tell you how to enter into rest. I’ll tell you how to get free from the heavy spirit.” And there are many different expressions of a heavy spirit. We all know them. I mean, we’ve all experienced a heavy spirit many times throughout our life.


But Jesus says in verse 29, “Here’s the way to freedom. You have to take My yoke. You have to yoke yourself to Me. And you have to learn from Me because I’m gentle and lowly in heart” (Mt. 11:29, paraphrased). “Lowly in heart” is translated in other Bible translations as humble or meek. It’s lowly of heart. And He says, “If you do this, you will find rest for your souls” (ibid). He repeats the promise that you’ll enter into rest. You’ll have a vibrant spirit. The spirit of heaviness will lift off of you over time.


Then He goes on in verse 30 and He gives an encouragement: “Stay with the process, because if you stay with it, you’ll find out that My yoke is easy” (Mt. 11:30, paraphrased). Now the illustration of a yoke is very, very important. It’s central to this teaching of how to live in freedom and liberty. In the ancient world, as today, the farmer would put a pair of oxen or another pair of animals inside a yoke. And sometimes there would be two and sometimes there would be many oxen yoked together with a wooden yoke. And the yoke would be around their neck—both the lead oxen and the newer oxen that was just being broken in and trained in how to plow the fields. They would be yoked to an experienced ox, and that ox would lead the yoke.

We’re the new; and when we put that yoke on our neck, that yokes to Him. In the agricultural world, the “beginner ox” would tend to go either to the right or to the left. But they couldn’t get off the path because they were yoked in this wooden yoke next to the experienced ox that remained on the path. Jesus said, “Put that yoke on you,” because we’re chaining ourselves, we’re yoking ourselves to His pathway of meekness.

He says, “I’ll walk the path. Yoke yourself to Me. And when you want to go right and left, the yoke will keep you in the center. And that yoke is your commitment to learn from Me and to walk with Me in this pathway.”

Now it’s the yoke of meekness. And no one will put that yoke on you. God won’t put it on you; we have to put it on ourselves. We put it on ourselves by making a commitment to learn from Jesus in the realm of meekness and to follow it through with Him. And so we put that yoke on us and we begin the process of learning from Him.

Now the challenge of being yoked is this: in the earlier days of being yoked, the beginning stages of being yoked, the new ox feels the sores and the blisters of this new yoke. And it’s uncomfortable; it’s awkward. The new ox wants to get off the path and resist it, and so he kind of bucks the system and doesn’t like it at first. But over time, he gets into a rhythm. And the new ox adjusts to this new pathway, this new way of life. And so it’s a process. It takes time. There’s a resistance. It’s awkward at first. But Jesus is telling us in verse 30, “My yoke is easy” (Mt. 11:30). In other words, “If you stay with it: if you’ll stay yoked to Me in this pathway of meekness, eventually your heart will find rest. You’ll carry your heart in a new way.”


Now here’s what the process of being yoked to the Lord is about. We start off being aware that humility is an important virtue. But our natural response to humility is to dodge it, to find ways to escape the yoke of humility. We’ll use Bible verses or the grace of God or social maneuvering to get out of having to face the issue of humbling ourself in relationships with people. We don’t like that yoke. But once we decide to take it on and wrestle, then over time, it becomes a primary life goal. I mean, it’s not just something we’re enduring; it’s not something we’re trying to escape. It’s actually something we settle in on. Our life goal isn’t just comfort or more blessing or more honor; our life goal is to excel in humility. And when that happens, the yoke becomes easy and we carry our heart in a different way.


Something happens on the inside when one of our primary life goals takes hold of meekness. Because it’s not natural to any of us to make that a primary goal in our life, but it’s the Lord’s agenda for our life. He’s the meekest Man that ever walked the earth, but He also had the freest and the happiest spirit of any man that ever walked the earth. And the two are related to one another.

Now this is the only characteristic Jesus ever proclaimed about Himself. He gave Himself titles; but He never, ever described a character trait about Himself, except here in verse 29. He said, “I’m meek,” or, “I’m humble,” or, “I’m lowly.” Use whatever word you want. The Lord commits Himself to training us in meekness if we will go with Him. He says, “Take the yoke; sign up for the class.” He won’t make you take this yoke. And again, putting on that yoke means we’re training ourselves or binding ourselves to a life of meekness according to His terms. That is what it means to take the yoke. Taking the yoke doesn’t just mean we ask the Lord to forgive us for our sins; we’re born again and we’re taking the yoke! No, that’s only the beginning of the beginning. The yoke of meekness is the call to discipleship.

As a matter of fact, in this very chapter, Matthew 11, earlier in verse 12, Jesus talked about spiritual violence: this radical abandonment to God. This is actually the yoke of meekness that He’s talking about. He described it just a few verses earlier referring to John the Baptist. He’s laying out the spiritual violence of the forerunner ministry. It’s living the yoke of meekness: not the occasional expression of humility, but humility defined as one of the primary goals of what we want to attain in this life. It’s violent, but once we settle that, it becomes easy. This doesn’t mean that the life externally is easy. But our heart comes to peace. There’s an enjoyment of God. There’s a vibrant spirit in coming to peace with this new alignment of our life, when our goal is to walk in the meekness and the yoke of humility that Jesus walks in.


Well, we never graduate from this class. Sign up for the class, the yoke of meekness. And it’s a seminary course. It’s an internship that you’ll be in all your days. We need to assume that pride is strong in our being. Some folks have the opposite opinion. When someone suggests they’re proud, they’re scandalized. It’s exactly the opposite. Of course we’re proud. Continue reading